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Mow Like a Pro


Mowing the lawn might seem straightforward, but it's easy to make mistakes that can affect the health and appearance of your grass. At Ferris, we're here to help you avoid these common pitfalls with practical advice.


(1) Avoid Scalping

Ever given your lawn a buzz cut? It is known as scalping, and your grass is not a fan. Avoid cutting your grass too short because it can stress it and make it more vulnerable to weeds. Aim to cut no more than one-third of the grass blade at a time for a healthier lawn.

(2) Change Your Pattern

Like most things in life, when you repeate the exact same thing over and over again, things can become a little...flat. Mowing in the same direction every time can create ruts and uneven cuts. Alternate your mowing pattern to keep your lawn even and well-maintained.

(3) Slow Down

Cutting your lawn at breakneck speed might make you feel like an F1 driver, but your grass prefers a more leisurely pace. Mowing too quickly can result in an uneven cut and missed patches. Take your time to let your mower do its job properly, ensuring a more consistent and appealing lawn.

(4) Mow Only When Dry

While getting a jump on the day can be great, mowing when there is still dew on the grass in the morning is a mistake as it can cause clumping which will build up inside your mower, and give an uneven cut. Wait to mow until the grass is dry for best results.

(5) Leave Clippings Occasionally

While bagging clippings keeps your lawn neat and tidy, leaving them on occasion can return valuable nutrients to the soil. This helps your lawn thrive without the need for additional fertilizer.

(6) Keep Blades Sharp

A dull mower blade is just about as effective as trying to cut a tomato with a butter knife. Dull blades can tear grass, making it susceptible to disease. Regularly sharpen your mower blades for a clean cut that promotes healthy grass growth.

(7) Tidy Up the Edges

Neglecting the edges of your lawn can detract from its overall appearance. Spend a few extra minues tidying up the edges with a string trimmer after mowing to achieve that well-manicured look.

(8) Maintain Your Mower

Regular maintenance of your mower, including checking the oil, air filter, and spark plugs, as well as cleaning it after each use. This ensures that it will run efficiently and last longer.