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Lawn Care Tips For Any Weather


Maintaining a healthy lawn can sometimes feel like navigating through different seasons of a TV show – rain, heatwaves, and droughts each bring their own plot twists, but with a few savvy strategies, you can ensure your lawn thrives through whatever Mother Nature throws your way.


When Rainy Weather Strikes

Rainy weather can transform your lawn into a jungle if you’re not careful. Regular mowing is key to keeping the grass from growing too long, which can become a haven for pests. However, avoid mowing when the grass is wet to prevent clumping and potential damage to both your mower and lawn. To manage the excess water, improving drainage is crucial. Aerate the soil to enhance water absorption and prevent puddling, which can lead to waterlogging. During rainy periods, use slow-release fertilizers to keep nutrients in the soil without risking harmful runoff. Plus, keep those pesky weeds at bay with pre-emergent herbicides to maintain your lawn’s pristine look.

Surviving Heatwaves with Style

When summer heat waves roll in, your lawn needs a different approach to stay healthy. Deep, infrequent watering is the secret to encouraging deep root growth which makes your grass more resilient. Water early in the morning to ensure your lawn gets the moisture it needs before the sun’s intensity causes evaporation. Adjust your mower blades to a higher setting during heatwaves to keep the grass taller, which helps shade the soil and reduce evaporation. Plus, leave your grass clippings on the lawn – they act as a natural mulch, conserving moisture and adding nutrients to the soil. As for fertilizing, it's best to hold off during extreme heat as high temperatures can stress your lawn further.

Thriving Through Drought Conditions

In drought conditions, prioritize watering to keep your lawn healthy. Focus on high-priority areas like newly seeded or sodded lawns and established trees and shrubs. Using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system can help minimize water loss while keeping your grass hydrated. If you’re planting a new lawn or overseeding, choose drought-tolerant grass varieties. These resilient species require less water and perform well during dry spells. Aerating the soil can also be beneficial during droughts, helping water penetrate more effectively and reduce runoff. Additionally, minimizing foot and equipment traffic on your lawn helps prevent soil compaction and keeps your grass in better shape.